Unexpected Old Event Notifications: Users are receiving notifications for past calendar events. While I initially suspected this might be related to my manual testing of the script (as suggested in another forum thread), the issue seems to be broader. Today, I identified emails being sent for events that predate a server crash we experienced on May 8th, 2024. These emails appear in the log file. I assume there was a potential backlog of events to sent out ..
My cronjob currently
/opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/bin/php /home/my_domain/public_html/plugins/jevents/jevnotify/sendnotifications.php > public_html/plugins/jevents/jevnotify/logfile.txt 2>&1
No errors being logged ..
Testing Discrepancy: I manually tested the script through the browser, and email logs confirmed emails were sent. However, there's a discrepancy: initially, only emails for newly tested events were sent. Now, the issue seems to be duplicate notifications for past ("old") events, not new ones.
The email log suggests the cronjob isn't running every 5 minutes as intended. All sent emails seem to be from my manual browser testing of the script. Additionally, admin emails, which previously worked, are no longer being delivered. We haven't made any configuration changes beyond re-adding the cronjob.