There are two Start time Tags to use:
{{Start Time:STARTTIME}}
{{Start Time in TZ:STARTTZ;%e %b %Y, %k:%M;America/New_York}}
I want all start times to be enter as American New York time so that they will be correct for the particular Time zone the visitor lives in.
This is what I think will work:
<div {{Multiday Event End Date:MULTIENDDATE# class="jev-empty-field"}}>
This event takes place on {{Start Date:STARTDATE#%s from }}{{Start Time in TZ:STARTTZ;%B %e, %Y, %l:%M %p;America/New_York#%s to }}{{End Time in TZ:ENDTZ;%B %e, %Y, %l:%M %p;America/New_York#%s,}}{{Location Title:JEVLOCATION_TITLE#%s at }}{{Location City:JEVLOCATION_CITY#%s in }}{{Location State:JEVLOCATION_STATE#%s, }}, {{Location Country:JEVLOCATION_COUNTRY#%s}}
What is the best way to handle time zones on the Event Details page?