Wednesday, 26 July 2023
  4 Replies
  500 Visits
Dear all,
after having migrated from J3 to J4, JEvents stopped working. I un- and reinstalled it and had to re-configure everything. So far, so good. But:
Now, in the settings of the component, just the first tab is filled with options. All others are empty (see screenshot).
And: In the module, it is not possible to assign a target page (see screenshot).
J4 is running on a standard Linux hosting with PHP 8.0.28.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-07-26 um 15.29.48.png

Bildschirmfoto 2023-07-26 um 15.30.02.png

Any help is appreciated...
marscom set the post as Critical priority — 1 year ago
marscom set the type of the post as  Issue — 1 year ago
marscom marked this post as Resolved — 1 year ago
1 year ago
Did you resolve this issue?

It looks like a javascript error on the config page - there was an issue with a bad German translation at one point that caused this but but this was fixed a long time ago. Make sure your language files are all up to date

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1 year ago
Thanks, Geraint.

The issue is not resolved, but I tweaked it: seems like the target page has to be a JEvents menu point. So what I've done is, I attached the subscription module to the event detail page. Works so far.
The issue with the blank config page is not resolved. The german translation is the latest (as every part of the site is); but for configuring, I have to switch the backend language to english. Then back again to german, when finished. This way, it works ;)

Thanks anyway!
1 year ago
Sorry - I've been in bed for a week with Covid. First time I've had it (after the vaccinations wore off) and I have been completely out of action :(

If you enable Joomla debug mode and maximum error reporting you may get more information about the blank config page which we can then look to resolve

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

1 year ago
Dear Geraint,

I wish you a soon recovery! I had it last year, inspite of three vacs and I can feel with you.

We leave it as it is: For configuring, I switch to english backend language and then back to german again.

Best regards
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