Thursday, 12 December 2013
  6 Replies
  1.2K Visits

I am holding classes on the first Thursday of each month. Each class has a different topic, albeit related. Students can choose to attend the classes that they need/have an interest. Do I need to create new events for each topic? Or can we have an extra field which can be different for each lesson date?

11 years ago
Hello WJ,

You can either:

1. Create a repeating event with the amount of events you need and edit the others individually and change the title to accommodate and anything else needed.

2. Create a JEvents Custom field and then change each event and update the custom field?


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11 years ago

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11 years ago
Thanks guys, I think that I get it.
It sounds like J-Events creates a unique record for every instance of a repeating event. This surprises me as I can change the day of the week going forward by changing only the first instance.
More over, if I can update the body of the classes one at a time, then I no longer need that extra field. I had assumed that I would need to have one event with 12 topics attached to it.
I will give the edit thing a try.
11 years ago
Well Gents, once again I was wrong. I must have misunderstood Tony.
Thanks again Geraint for your pointer to the standard docs, but I have no trouble with the standard repeating events, even the strange ones. I do always look through the documents prior to asking my questions.
Tony, I think that I need a create that does actually create "n" unique records/rows each year. (Sorry for the dated references but they have been records and fields to me for some 40 years. I will catch on eventually).
A check box on the create event that says that it will add "n" unique rows will do. But as I need to edit each event anyway, the copy and edit is really close to what my current process is like. If it would pre-fill in with the next third Thursday of the month would be another way to get me through this hoop. You already have the repeating algorithm worked out. I will try to create a few events with the Copy and Edit button. If the copy brings the Thursday rather than date number, I am there.
11 years ago
The copy and edit should retain the same date you had on the previous event so won't save you the time of selecting the new date for the new event.

JEvents does indeed create a separate database entry for every repeat - and these are easy to edit in the frontend or backend. If you login the frontend - navigate to the repeat you want to change and click the pencil icon and select "edit repeat". In the backend click the star icon next to the event title to see a list of repeats which can then be edited. Personally I think that would be the most efficient process and would have the benefit of event repeats being linked so that visitors you can easily navigate from one to the next

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11 years ago
Thanks the backend option works perfectly.
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