By drake25 on Wednesday, 03 April 2013
Posted in Pre-Sales
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I have a small company that rent trailer / tools out.
Was wondering if jevents can be used as calender for this.
That people can reserve/rent it online.
I have 60-100 different items.
Can this be done relative easy with jevents or schould i look for another add on for joomla?
if you wanna look at the site for now

as you can see danish, that is why the spelling is so bad
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Yes technically you could use JEvents...

If you used it with RSVP Pro, then created a repeating event on the days the tools can be loaned for.

The only issue I can see, if people want to rent it for more than one day.... They then need to rent it for each day.

You could use the ticket system, to generate a unique code for each one so you know who / what is is assigned to? they could also print it, come in and you can check it against the system..

11 years ago
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