Sunday, 11 August 2013
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I would like to use JEvents as a very simple project manager on a site I'm planning. I looked at other alternatives but they are too complex and load times weren't good, whereas JEvents seems very quick and looks very flexible. My basic requirements, in addition to the features available in the free version, are:
Users to have their own calendars (I see this is available)
User ability to invite selected site members to view the calendar. I see a version of this is available with Jomsocial. However, I am a longtime CB user, plus I'm not sure I will need the additional features of a community extension on this site, and it conflicts with the user profile features of another extension I'm going to use. perhaps this is something I will have to get added as a customisation?
I would also like a calendar user to be able to change the colour of an event on a day by day basis. This would be a sort of crude Gantt chart, where tasks are ticked off. This would definitely be a customisation I suspect.
Finally, I would like to change some of the terminology in JEvents, possible changing "events" to "tasks" for example? I am guessing some of this may be possible in a language file?
I think that the features I can use for this are all available at Silver membership level, other than any that will require customisation?
11 years ago
Hello Simonjr,

1. Users can create their own events. And you can use the private events calendar plugin as well as the User Specific events plugin. then you can create a menu item and allow filtering by the users created events or their private events, depending of whether you want the public to see their events or not.

2. This is indeed possible with JomSocial, with CB if you assign the users to x group then you can invite based on Joomla! usergroups? Ir are you using groupjive or some thing similar?

3. The color by event by day is definitely a customization. How do your see this being achieved? i.e. set days for the colors? or have the users manually change them... I suspect... It might be possible with the custom fields addon..

4. This is an easy one see: ... in-jevents

You would need the Gold Level for RSVP Pro if you are planning on using the invitations for the event creators/admins.

Many thanks

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11 years ago
Hi Tony

That's great, and thanks for such a quick response.
I have used Groupjive but don't want to use that here, or CB/Jomsocial in fact, plus I don't want to define access to a users calendar through user groups either, as this would be far to cumbersome.
Basically I just want a user to be able to create and edit their own (private) calendar, and choose by invite which other site users can view it. Perhaps this could be done with a custom JEvents plugin?
The rest sounds straightforward. I'm not sure about the day by day colour coding. If its tricky I might shelve that idea for the time being.
Thanks for your help.


PS On the colour change, in response to your question, I suppose the user would have to be able to change the colour of each event on a day by day basis, so that, for example, all unclicked events events showed red, and once they were clicked using a button of some sort, they would show green, to denote the task was completed.
11 years ago
RSVP Pro (the gold member event registration/invites/reminders addon) allows the event creator to invite specific users to their event and can make the event private so that only invitees can see it. They can save lists of commonly uses groups of invitees to reuse another time.

We have a custom fields addon which would allow you to create a custom field type of your own - this could respond to clicks or time passing (or a combination of both). Doing this would require some knowledge of PHP though.

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

11 years ago
Thanks for that. It all sounds great, and maybe a lot more straightforward than I imagined.
On the colour coding, I've decided that all I want to do is have a change of colour for days that are in the past, and I'm guessing that's relatively simple.
I'll upgrade to a gold membership shortly.
Many thanks again.
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