By klarac on Monday, 27 May 2013
Posted in Pre-Sales
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I would like to pay Silver Member, but I have problems with PayPal (forgotten passw., new account which cannot be joined with my cadr, etc.) I did nott use PayPal from ists openning. Now, following instructions on PayPal, I wanted to make something so as I need not use my card directly. So, I sent amount for you to my PayPal. I have here the amount as credit on PayPal. But when I tried to follow payment for SilverMember there is the only possibility to send again money from my Bank Account to Paypal with some ID? Can you recommend me how I can give you my money from Paypal Credit? Is this possible? Or, in which way I could to pay it and become a member as soon as possible?

Thanky you,

regards, Klara
The problem is with Paypal that if you have created a paypal account in the past with a specific email address or associated the account with a specific credit card number then you can'r use the same credit card or email address without logging in to your Paypal account.

Did you try to get a reminder email or password reset link from Paypal?

As an alternative I could send you our bank account details and you could make an international bank transfer - this takes 2-3 days to process but means you don't have to use Paypal
11 years ago
0 Votes
Hi Geraint,
thanks for your respponse. But as I have written. I do have ans PayPal account (new one) and here I have the amount for you. My question is if I can in some way give you those money. Or if you can charge them. I tried to pay through E-bay now and it is possible. I have here - you have credit on account, press Button Confirm and your purchase will be finished. But it is not possible to make with you with the same steps so I can have my subscripiton activated so as soon and not afre 2-3 days? ...

When I can buy something on E-Buy I should make transfer in the same way to you. Am I right?? NAd my question is "How"... If it is not possible to charme my Paypal, provide me please with Bank Accout, but I am not glad.. My money are hold on PayPal which is for nothing.. And those 2-3 days are not solving me the situating good.. I promissed to have this today.

PS NOTE: When I want to pay through PayPal (not a bank account) there is not button to confirm payment. !! Where is a button to confirm payment?

Here is a screen: ... oblem.png/

K. Cejkova
11 years ago
0 Votes
Hello K. Cejkova,

As you have selected top-up PayPal, it is giving you instructions on where to instruct a Bank Transfer to. So you copy them details and then go to your bank/internet banking and process a transfer.

Why don't you just use pay with Credit/Debit card? This is still through PayPal.

11 years ago
0 Votes
I have this amount now on PayPal, so I have to send another amount here - the result will be I have this amount on PayPal twice. I wanted to prevent holding one amount on PayPall and ask to withdraw it. As I see I will have to do it in this way : o ( As I have written I cannot use my credit card (PayPal did not accept it, probably before I am in - here, but I have debet credit open. MAy be this is before in my first account in PayPal I have written my details and I am asking from them now to add another credit cart, but I have only one. So, what to do, I will try to send another amount t PayPal wit your ID, hopefilly I will solve at least it and I will not stay with 70 Pound on Paypal..

YOu probably did not understand me - I asked if I have credit on PAyPal I should be able to click on "Pay from PayPal" on sites - in the same way I can use my credit on E-Bay. But in your case I cannot - that was the question.. : o (
11 years ago
0 Votes
I have send a new amount with your ID. There is written: Don't forget to complete your transaction. Making a purchase or sending money? You'll need to return to finish what you were doing.

In which way I should "finish" what I were doing??? You will have money with my ID on my PayPal. You will withraw them by your own? Or should I do anything? What should I do?.. I will have here twice this amount. One with this your ID. I am totally unhappy with this.. and afraid I have twice money on PayPAl for nothing. What shall I do now?.. Thank you.. Klara
11 years ago
0 Votes
Could I sen you. by the way those 35 pounds by using this in Paypal (I HAVE A CREDIT ON PAYPAL):
Send Money
PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay. You can pay or send money from 193 countries and regions supported by PayPal.

Send Money

AmountAmount (Sending Limit: 11,300.00 CZK. Lift limit)
Amount: AMOUNT
Currency: ...
What are you sending money for?

I'm paying for goods or services
I'm sending money to family or friends

I do not havy any your PAyPAl email.. : o ( I do not understand ow to pay it to you when I will have twice amount for you on my PayPal credit.. One wit my ID and one with ID from your payment instruction..

I hope we can solve this-- You have to have experience with paying by using CERDIT on customerĀ“s PayPal..

Thank you.. K
11 years ago
0 Votes

If you have a paypal account you can just login and click send if your balance has enough funds. If it's in a different currency have you tried converting some to GBP?

11 years ago
0 Votes
Great your quick reply, sounds good, but I need your email to put in the field:
Send Money from PayPal - there is:

Email Address: Please enter a valid address in the format <!-- e --><a href="][/url]<!-- e -->.

AmountAmount : 35 GBP
What are you sending money for? - for goods or services.

Button OK

But I need your emil .... (as you see with xxxx above)


Thank you in advance - looks as if I can solve it.. : o ) ?
11 years ago
0 Votes
Sorry as I could see this sending is not possible, too..
So I really do not know how to pay to you is you have only this stupid PayPal. I have sent to PayPal zwice the amount and cannot send money to you. Now I will wait for my money to get back from PayPal more then one week. I cannot sent for the third time money to somewhere. So, if there is no possibility how to pay you, I will wait for my 70 Pounds to get back and after I will send them directly to you through bank account. It is a pity, I spent almost the whole day by solving the issue and now I am without 70 Pound, finnaly and have to wait 7-30 days. May be, in this way the person, I am doing this registration will not want to wait, but certainly I will not get another money. : o ( I must say, I hate PayPal.

11 years ago
0 Votes
Hello Klara,

It is very simple. If you have a PayPal account then simply go to: ... lub/levels

Click the 'Subscribe Now' on the subscription you want to subscribe to.

Then when you are processed to PayPal, just enter your PayPal email and password. Then click checkout, its that simple.

You do not need to login to PayPal first, you just do it in the workflow of the checkout process.

11 years ago
0 Votes
posting.php?mode=quote&f=32&p=102813#pr102765[/url]<!-- l -->) is for topping up your own Paypal account. It implies that you do not have any credit on your account at Paypal and they are asking you to top up your Paypal acccount BEFORE you make a payment to JEvents.

So if you have made this transfer (as instructed) the money from your bank should be appearing in your own paypal account (today or tomorrow)??
11 years ago
0 Votes
To close issue and inform others: When you have money on PayPal it is not possible to pay for services to Jevents. It looks as it is necessary to send new money to PayPal when you asking for services directly from Jevents payment. Probably it is due to the ID. After 2-3 days when I recieved this amount and try to pay again - the button appeared and I could pay for services. Innetersting, but works in this way. Klara
11 years ago
0 Votes
Hi Klara - glad you got this resolved.

I think your problems were due to the banking arrangements in your country. In the UK, for example, you nominate a bank account and/or credit card for your paypal account and the transfers to Paypal are instantaneous so making a payment from Paypal is a streamlined process.
11 years ago
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