PHP Version : 7.0.7
MySQL Version : 5.6.33-log
Server Information : Linux h2web65 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.36-1+deb8u2~bpo70+1 (2016-10-19) x86_64
Fix jQuery? : Yes
Load JEvents Bootstrap CSS? : Yes
Max Input Vars ? : 1000
Club code set? : Yes
Joomla : 3.7.2
component_com_jevents : 3.4.39
module_mod_acymailing : 3.7.0
module_mod_jevents_cal : 3.4.39
module_mod_jevents_custom : 3.4.39
module_mod_jevents_filter : 3.4.39
module_mod_jevents_latest : 3.4.39
module_mod_jevents_legend : 3.4.39
module_mod_jevents_switchview : 3.4.39
I'm sorry but I searched hours and hours how to make layout override works on list views menu item ("Liste des évènements" in french).
I read on that page : that we don't need use php files anymore to override templates, so what i understand is :
1/ Go on custom layout page (index.php?option=com_jevents&task=defaults.list)
2/ Publish icalevent.list_row template for all categories
3/ Edit icalevent.list_row, set a new custom module with a name, e.g. "mycustomlayout" with content inside
4/ Go on menu item, tab "settings", set "mycustomlayout" on the field "Layout override" at the bottom of the page.
(I set no column to display)
Is that correct?
Nothing happens for me! List display only titles...
Can you please tell me if its the correct way of doing layout override for event list page ?