This is my situation. I have created 2 user groups for logging in, Announcers and Candidates, with "User - Usergroup Selector"
What I want is a tool that will let me do this:
In my website only Announcers will be able to create events (job offers)
On the other hand, only Candidates will be able to register on the events, but they will only have to click on "Register", as automatically all the fields of the "registering form" will be autocompleted with his profile´s data, taken from the form that the candidate shoul´ve fill before registering into an event. Then candidate will be able to choose which fields will let candidate see.
An example:
Let´s say María wants to create a job offer. so she logs in, and fills a form with different fields, like "Age", "Level of spanish", ... to create the event. Those fields will be her requirements.
On the other hand, Peter is a candidate and he fills a form to create his profile, with different fields, like "Age", "Level of spanish", .... After that, he sees María´s offer so he applies by clicking on "Register now". When Peter clicks, he goes to a registration form and sees all the fields of his profile. Then he chooses the fields that want María to see and click Register.
María receives an email saying there are some candidates registered. She logs in and sees a list of candidates. She has a search mode where she can filter by the fields of the form of the candidates, which is the same form she filled when she created the event. She filters people with spanish level from basic to bilingual, and ages from 20 to 40.
When she sees Peter´s profile, she clicks on it and finds out she can´t see her phone number,
Is it possible with Jevents?
Thank you!
This is my situation. I have created 2 user groups for logging in, Announcers and Candidates, with "User - Usergroup Selector"
What I want is a tool that will let me do this:
In my website only Announcers will be able to create events (job offers)
On the other hand, only Candidates will be able to register on the events, but they will only have to click on "Register", as automatically all the fields of the "registering form" will be autocompleted with his profile´s data, taken from the form that the candidate shoul´ve fill before registering into an event. Then candidate will be able to choose which fields will let candidate see.
An example:
Let´s say María wants to create a job offer. so she logs in, and fills a form with different fields, like "Age", "Level of spanish", ... to create the event. Those fields will be her requirements.
On the other hand, Peter is a candidate and he fills a form to create his profile, with different fields, like "Age", "Level of spanish", .... After that, he sees María´s offer so he applies by clicking on "Register now". When Peter clicks, he goes to a registration form and sees all the fields of his profile. Then he chooses the fields that want María to see and click Register.
María receives an email saying there are some candidates registered. She logs in and sees a list of candidates. She has a search mode where she can filter by the fields of the form of the candidates, which is the same form she filled when she created the event. She filters people with spanish level from basic to bilingual, and ages from 20 to 40.
When she sees Peter´s profile, she clicks on it and finds out she can´t see her phone number,
Is it possible with Jevents?
Thank you!