Gold Member
  Friday, 02 September 2022
  4 Replies
  533 Visits
When I import an iCal url, I noticed that the import creates new categories, if the category in the feed doesn't exist. Now I can set the category to be overridden, but that counts for all events imported. Is there a way to override the category only if the category in the import doesn't match an existing category?

Is there a way to set a default location, like the default category?

How do I import the url set in de feed? I have a field of type url, which I named website. I would like the url of the iCal to be imported into this field.
2 years ago
Apologies for the slow response :(

The 'fall back' category code appears to have been creating new categories rather than using the specified category for a LONG time. I'll update the code for the next release to add a new option when importing calendars to make this work as intended.

I'll also add the option of a default location to the ToDo list.

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2 years ago
Are you able to test this version of JEvents?

when you edit the calendar there is now a new option to choose to create new categories or not.

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2 years ago
Thank you. Does this mean if the feed has a category that doesn't exist in my site, the default category set will be used in all cases or just in the case the category doesn't exist, if I toggle the setting Create category to no?
2 years ago
If you day NOT to create a new category it will use the default/fallback category for ONLY for events where a matching doesn't already exist

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