This error message started popping up when I edit an existing calendar event. It doesn't happen with new events.
Table 'mydomain_arenal.#__jev_peopleeventsmap' doesn't exist SQL=REPLACE INTO #__jev_notifications (rp_id, messagetype, user_id, created, notificationtype, m_ev) SELECT '9749' as rpid,1 as type, p.linktouser, '2024-06-24 07:27:51' as created, 8, '1' as m_ev FROM #__jev_peopleeventsmap as pm LEFT JOIN #__jev_people as p ON p.pers_id=pm.pers_id WHERE p.linktouser<>0 AND pm.evdet_id=9477
Thanks is advance
Table 'mydomain_arenal.#__jev_peopleeventsmap' doesn't exist SQL=REPLACE INTO #__jev_notifications (rp_id, messagetype, user_id, created, notificationtype, m_ev) SELECT '9749' as rpid,1 as type, p.linktouser, '2024-06-24 07:27:51' as created, 8, '1' as m_ev FROM #__jev_peopleeventsmap as pm LEFT JOIN #__jev_people as p ON p.pers_id=pm.pers_id WHERE p.linktouser<>0 AND pm.evdet_id=9477
Thanks is advance