User reported an error when trying to save an event. There is a popup with the site URL and the message "error," as written between the quotes, including the comma. Tested from the admin (backend) and I receive the same error.
I did verify that we are running the latest version of JEvents, Joomla 4.3.4, PHP 8.2.17.
The error shown in the browser is a 500 error, "monthcalendar/2024/04?ttoption=com_jevents&typeaheadtask=gwejson&file=checkconflict&token=df2ce6c524ea69dedde04b50bc70660a&ttItemid=4565"
{"error":"alert('There was an error - no request data')","result":"ERROR","user":""}
I have tried turning off checking for overlapping events, same error.
Please advise.
I did verify that we are running the latest version of JEvents, Joomla 4.3.4, PHP 8.2.17.
The error shown in the browser is a 500 error, "monthcalendar/2024/04?ttoption=com_jevents&typeaheadtask=gwejson&file=checkconflict&token=df2ce6c524ea69dedde04b50bc70660a&ttItemid=4565"
{"error":"alert('There was an error - no request data')","result":"ERROR","user":""}
I have tried turning off checking for overlapping events, same error.
Please advise.