This article releates to JEvents 1.5 and is only relevant to users upgrading from JEvents 1.4.3 or pre-release versions of JEvents 1.5
JEvents 1.5 has involved a radical rewriting since alpha 2 to bring the codebase in line with the Joomla 1.5 MVC coding framework.
- Joomla 1.5.23+ (JEvents 1.5)
- Joomla 1.5.23+ or Joomla 1.6/1.7 (JEvents 2.0)
- PHP 5 - JEvents 1.5/2.0 will not run in PHP4.
You Must follow these instructions to ensure that all the appropriate database tables are created. You can download the latest files from here.
- Its a good idea to make sure that your PHP installation is configured with more than 8MB or memory (check your php ini settings)
- Install the component and all the modules you want to test.
- Installing the component should automatically setup all the database tables required and redirect you to the JEvent config page.
- You will then be prompted to check and save your config values
- The system will automatically create and publish one default category and calendar for you
Upgrading from JEvents alpha 3 or beta
There is no need to uninstall alpha 3/beta you can just install on top (it uses the Joomla 1.5 upgrade facility).
Your data should be preservered but is always a good idea to take a backup before any upgrade.
Upgrading from JEvents alpha 2
You will need to uninstall JEvents alpha 2 before installing the release candidate. Your event data should be retained but you should take a database backup before hand just in case. Most database changes between alpha2 and rc are taken care of automatically
The one thing that is missing is the migration of the events category data and one extra database column. You can do this by applying the following 3 SQL queries to your database [b]after[/b] installing version 1.5/2.0.
insert into jos_jevents_categories (id, color) (select * from jos_events_categories);
update jos_categories set section='com_jevents' where section='com_events';
ALTER TABLE `jos_jevents_vevdetail` ADD color varchar(20) NOT NULL default '';
If your table prefix is not "jos_" change the queries accordingly. You only need run these queries once.
Migration from JEvents1.4.3
JEvents 1.5 has been written so that it can be installed alongside JEvents 1.4.3 (this is useful for testing since you could install version 1.5 and compare it with 1.4.3 directly). However you MUST ensure that none of the 1.4.3 modules are visible on the same page as any 1.5.0 modules otherwise you will get a php error.
Do NOT uninstall JEvents 1.4.3 until you have successfully migrated you legacy events.
To migrate your event data click on "Convert Legacy Events" in the JEvents 1.5 component control panel. This will migrate your categories and events without removing the old versions - therefore you can switch between the calenders in the frontend for testing.
Bug Reporting/Feedback
I have created a new forum specifically for JEvents 1.5 which is actively monitored. Do not report beta bugs or feedback in any other forums - they may well get missed.